What is Your Child Doing Online?: Learn How To Make Sure Your Child Is Safe Online

Do you want to keep your child safe while on the internet?, destroy all computers in the house, restrict your child from ever touching any device internet enabled, but guess what? it won't work, it never worked, do you want to know what works?, read on.

cyber safety tips for parents

''I guarantee you that if you have a 14 year-old boy and he has an Internet connection in his bedroom, certainly he is looking at pornography'' says Strasburger, a university of New Mexico adolescent medical practitioner.

It is true that the Internet is a very useful tool that everybody both young and old who wants to be productive should take advantage of. In fact, I personally can't imagine my life without the Internet. But there are many selfish individuals out there who only want to exploit people and make money online using various malicious means to lure unsuspecting and innocent victims into their dangerous nest, thereby making the Internet a tool kids should and must use with caution.

What is your child looking at online?, do you know?, I guess you've never given much attention to that right?. If your kid accesses the Internet daily, have you ever thought how the kid handles the commonly prevailing cyber theft, pornography, the fake news and misleading guides about their faith, morals and health, these are very dangerous and harmful to your kid than you imagined.

It is very important then that first and foremost that parents should educate their kids on the proper use of the Internet not only for their safety but surely for the safety of the family too. Then when words of mouth seems insufficient in keeping your child safe while using the Internet, there are some child safety tips parents should take in ensuring their child's safety online.

Know more about the Internet
It could be worst if you as a parent knows little about the use of the Internet, grab useful information from libraries and online book stores, learn more about the use and management of the Internet, for if you don't know something is a trap how can you save someone from being trapped.

Advice them to keep their personal information private
The most effective and easiest means for thieves and sexual predators to get to you is by having your personal information like email address, home address, photographs, passwords and real names. It is important then that parents should provide their kids with lists of trusted sites to visit, and as the parent or guardian, you should think twice before posting photographs of your little kid online.

Keep your eyes on what they are looking at
you don't always have stand by their side with eyes wide open and hands akimbo before you know what your kids are looking at online. You can check their browsing history or check their social media account to know who they talked to and what they are up to. You can keep an eye on them on social media by becoming their friends or by following them with a fake name. Once you find out that they've been viewing questionable sites, counsel them on how it can harm them.

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Install a filtering program.
There are lots of great tools available to help protect your child online. These tools are important, because sometimes a child might want to access few books or videos about the body online, if the query is not filtered, the child may end up viewing obscene contents unintentionally, with the filter tools, unnecessary ads and materials will be blocked.

Computers should only be used in public areas of the house
Children are more inclined out of curiosity to try out new things especially when they are alone, to help your kid stay safe online, place computers in a family room or in the lounge. During bed time, keep your eyes on the kids lest they sneak in with laptops and tablets into their room, all of that should be kept with mommy and daddy at night.

Set a good example.
All the above mentioned tips would be very efficacious when put into practice, but the most effective way to keep your kid safe online would be to set a good example yourself. As you the parent snoop around your kid's web history and chat rooms, know also that they too want to know what you're also looking at or who you've been talking to. Trust me, once they find anything fishy, none of the above tips would make a single sense to them anymore. 
Remember we are not talking about pornographic contents here only, we're talking about the family's safety in general. So make sure you as the parent doesn't jeopardize that by being a bad example to the kids, with hope that are just kids. The ugly result of the bad influence on them is almost inevitable.

Stay safe while using the Internet in order to help keep your children and family safe.
What is Your Child Doing Online?: Learn How To Make Sure Your Child Is Safe Online What is Your Child Doing Online?: Learn How To Make Sure Your Child Is Safe Online Reviewed by Anonymous on March 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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